Hoover's Hatchery

Our minimum shipping quantity for chicks is 15. There is a minimum of 5 per sex and breed. We reserve the right to change order minimums as needed.

Free Shipping Always!


  • Coturnix Quail are great backyard birds! Since they are considered domestic quail, they do not require any permits to own. With their small body size, they can easily be set up in a pen on your deck, in your garage, or the backyard. Females are fantastic egg layers that lay as many eggs as a productive chicken as early as 6-8 weeks of age. Males are great for meat production or breeding. They are ready to process at 8 weeks of age. Quail eggs are known for being healthy and packed with flavor. All you need is a serrated knife to open them. Rare and standard colors could be included – Tuxedo, Tibetan, Pastel, Pansy, Italian, Falb Fee, Grau Fee, Jumbo, Brown, White, Golden Fawn, Silver, Pearl, Snowy, Rosetta, and many more!

    Purpose: Eggs, Meat, Game Production: 250 Small Speckled Eggs/Year Temperament: Flighty Mature Weight: 3-4 oz. Hardiness: Cold and Heat Hardy Broodiness: Rarely

    **Order Minimum 30 for shipping*
SEX 1+ qty
Unsexed $5.70
Important: Our minimum quail shipping quantity is 30. We do not ship quail with other species of fowl for the safety of the birds.
Currently Unavailable
Prices shown reflect current ship dates and may change depending on the ship date chosen. You will see the final price during checkout.
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P.O. BOX 200 RUDD, IA 50471, USA
